Art Stories

Night Hawks

Jeff the one sitting at the bar has a bad back round of drug abuse. His mom abandoned him at the age of five and hasn’t seen her since. Every day he goes to the bar to drown his sorrow.

                Steven, husband of Miley goes to the bar to see his favorite bar tender. He is very wealth and comes to the bar because he owns the place. He is there to have a beer or two and enjoy spending time with his mom.

                Miley, wife of Steven married into a very rich family of bar owners. She is wearing her favorite dress with his favorite color.    


          Then, write: "Scene 1:[write the description of the surrounding setting here].

          Then, below it, write at least a 20 line dialog script, (what is being said),you need to number each line in your script. Write your script about what's going on and the dialog, conversations, between the four characters in at least 20 lines on your new "Art Stories" page.

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